Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Gomball bangetz

Dari imel..ati ati kalo digombalin beginih...

cowo: Mbak, bapaknya ahli perbintangan ya??
Cewe: Ah.. tidak, memang kenapa??
cowo: Saya lihat bintang dimata mbak... :D

cowo: Maaf mba, jangan terlalu lama duduk dikursi itu, pindah dideket saya saja
Cewe: Loh?? kenapa??
Cowo: Takut dikerubung semut.. soalnya mba manis.. :D

Cowo: "Mbak punya obeng nggak?"
Cewe: "Hah? Gak Punya tuh."
Cowo: "Tapi kalo nomor telepon punya,kan?"

Cowo: "Sayang, kamu itu seperti sendok..."
Cewe: "Kenapa?"
Cowo: "Karena kamu ngaduk-ngaduk perasaan aku..."

Dari bule sono:

M: "Are you an Interior Decorator?"
W: "No. Why?"
M: "When I saw you enter, the room became beautiful"
M: "Are you religious?"
W: "Yes "
M: "Good, because I'm the answer to your prayers."
M: "Baby, did you fart, Cause you blow me away..."
M: "How is your fever?"
W: "What Fever?"
M: "Oh.. you just look so hot to me..."
M: "Wow! I didn't know that angels could fly so low!"
--->this is a good one !

M: "Can I get a picture of you to prove to my friends that angels do really exist."
M: "Wow! How did you do that???!!!"
W: "Do what?"
M: "Look so good..."
M: "Hey, I lost my phone number.. can I have yours?"
M: "Hey Laura!! (Big Hug), I haven't seen you FOREVER!!!! (Huge KISS) Wow, you've really have changed!!!
W: "Wait, I'm not Laura.."
M: "What? Oh my god, You even changed your name!!!

hahahaha be carefull of Gombalism!!!