Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Malya (again) pup >1 kali

Sejak Minggu siang malya mulai pup lagi biasanya rutin sekali satu hari kalo ga dipagi hari abis sarapan ato sore ..cuma sekali, tapi hari minggu lalu malya pup total 5 kali ,, bentuknya ga aer melulu sih .. masih berbentuk tapi seringnya itu.. saya blum terlalu khawatir bgt krn anaknya masih ceria dan lincah..

sampe pagi ini..malya tadi udah pupup 2 kali ga tau kalo siangnya..bentuk pup taid pagi malah cuma lendir aja warna nya ijo..duh ada apa kah gerangan...

saya coba observasi dulu dari makanan, kebersihan makanan dan alat2 makannya, untuk semnetara MPASInya kembali lagi kesmula  nih.. tepung beras merah + pisang kerok..

mamah  ku bilang mungkin klo orang dewasa mules, tapi bnyak juga yg bilang "indah" pertanda ada kepintaran baru..duhh pliss deh nak kalo boleh milih jgn pake indah2 an..ada juga yang bilang mungkin  dari asi..karena aku puasa..tapi insya Allah ngga ahh..

lagi bingung..soalnya udah pada nyaranin ke Dokter


  1. Green poo Says Vicky Pigott: 'If your baby's stools are green and frothy she may be taking in too much lactose (the natural sugar found in milk), which happens if she feeds often, but doesn't get the rich milk at the end of the feed to fill her up. It may also be caused by overfeeding or underfeeding, or is a sign that your baby has a stomach bug.'

    Make sure your baby finishes feeding from one breast before offering her the other. If the symptoms last longer than 24 hours, consult your health visitor or GP to try to find the source of the problem, as it may be due to a food sensitivity, medication or your feeding routine.

    Sebaiknya ke dokter aja deh, soalnya lebih dari 24 jam yaa....emang ada yg sembuh dgn sendiri nya tp kita kan waspada aja..jangan sampai Malya ada penyakit.
    semoga Malya baik baik aja yaaa...n normal lagi pup nya

  2. mungkin ini bisa membantu?
    kayaknya bisa serius tapi bisa juga tidak, kalau dilihat gejalanya tapi saya tidak berani memastikan karena ngga tau kasusnya secara keseluruhan, semoga Malya cepat sembuh ya


    Frequent Watery Stool often "Greener" than usual
    How can you spot diarrhea in a baby who has loose frequent stools every day? This type of poop is "diarrhea" in a breastfed baby. It can be due to a virus, a bowel infection, stress, anxiety or a food intolerance.



    Green, mucousy stool
    This can be a result of a virus. Often the only sign we see of a virus is in the green stool. This is evidence of malabsorption in the intestines. Watch for how many days and with what consistency it is occurring. With a virus, it will run its course over a few days and begin to improve.

    Another cause of malabsorption in the intestines can be teething. The profuse saliva of a teething baby can cause irritation in the intestines interfering with proper absorption. When babies teethe, we can see lots of drooling. Large quantities of saliva is swallowed which can irritate the intestines causing runny, acidic stools. This can also cause a rash in the diaper area.

  3. ini ada lagi:

    Baby's stool is green and mucousy
    Sept 2005
    My 5 week old baby has been having green and mucousy stools for a few weeks now (they were yellow and seedy in the beginning). the dr is not worried because he is growing rapidly. He has no other problems and we had a normal birth. the only other thing is that I was taking clyndamiacin (an antibiotic) the week before he was born and his first day or two. I am breastfeeding. I tried cutting out caffeine, which seemed to help with the consistency of the stool-- it made it less watery. Did anyone else have a baby with green stool? The dr did recommend trying probiotics. Did you get other advice from the dr? Thanks! worried new mom

    I had the same problem w/my now 2 yr. old son when he was about that age. After much research, I finally found out that he was only getting the fore or skim milk when I would breastfeed. He would often fall asleep after only a few minutes on one side so I would switch him to the other. The solution was to feed him on one side/feeding so that the breast would empty completely and he would get the fatty-er milk at the end or make sure he empties both sides as much as possible. I now have a 2 wk. old and am trying to avoid the same problem. I feed him about 15-20 min. on one side and then switch to the other for another 10+ min. Fortunately he's not as sleepy as his brother. I also massage the breast while I'm feeding to make sure he gets as much milk as possible. I recently consulted w/the lactation consultant at Kaiser and she said not to worry about the green stools, but instead focus on whether the baby's gaining wt. We bought a Salton digital baby scale ($84 online and well worth the peace of mind) so I weigh him about once/wk. Hope this helps, and feel free to contact me. cv
    My 11-week baby has had green stools twice now (lasted a few days each time). My pediatrician told me that any earth tone was fine, but that I should call for white, red, or black stools. anon
    Assuming that you're breastfeeding, green stools can indicate a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. There can be many reasons for it, including an overactive milk ejection reflex, overabundant milk supply, or switching sides too often/soon while nursing. I have struggled with two of the three above, and am finally getting it under control at 11 weeks. I nurse only on one side for every four hour period, take sage extract a few times daily, and express a little before nursing if I catch my baby gasping, ''clicking,'' or swallowing a lot of air. An internet search on ''foremilk/hindmilk imbalance'' might give you more information. Good luck. Whole lotta milk
    My now 8 month old had this... are you breastfeeding? If so, try massaging your breast as you feed. One theory with my little one was that she wasn't getting enough of the fatty hind milk and that massaging would help her suck the fattier milk out. The doc also limited my foods by taking out some allergens but I suspect the fat milk was the issue. happy mom of healthy babe
    Do try the probiotics. Lifestart by Natren is a good place to start. It has gut bacteria that are the predominant beneficial bacteria in the guts of healthy infants. Whole Foods carries it and if it isn't on the shelf they will order it for you. Usually infants are colonized at birth, but if you were taking antibiotics they may not have had a chance and less beneficial bacteria may have taken their place. My child had a diarrhea illness and

  4. 2 hzri yg lalu raras juga pupnya cuma lendir tp warnanya sih kuning.... biasnaya kalo indah ada gumpalan2 putihnya kek ampas gitu say.... moga gak papa ya....

  5. iyah mungkin mba yah, kalo makan malya wuihh semangkok abis deh lahap bener..apapun mpasinya..yah oatmeal, bubur nasi, labu, kabocha, kentang ..kalo sayuran hampir smua , daging baru dikenalin ayam dan ati ayam..

    apa mungkindari overfeeding ya,klo underfeeding amsa iyah.. klo dari asi mungkin yah asi nya fore milk aja kli yah..soalnya kalo asi perah itu kan suga bergumpal nah aku kan ga bisa recehck nih apa tercampur rata ato ngga..

    so far kemungkinan nya da tiga hampir sama dgn yg mom josh kasih, stomach bug or ada virus yg membuat tergangunya kerja pencernaan, ato katanya bisa juga air liur yg tertelan bnayak..krn mau tumbuh gigi..

    kamren selasa sih..udha berkurang frekuensi pupnya cuma 3 kali dan udah ga terllau berlendir warna nya udah ga ijo..kuning tua gitu..anyway thank yah infonya ..terutama mgenai over/under feeding dan asi juga ,.. aku masih observasi aja..
    say daku aga parno ke DSA di sini hehehe
    thanks doanya mudah2 an malya segera baikan deh
    josh sehat kan? muach 2 yah buat josh n mommy nya

  6. mba thanks amillion deh info nye lengkappp sekali...sampe mudah2 an itu bukan virus..saya aga lega ketika baca mungkin dari asi saya kebayakan minum foremilk nya aja tapi krn malya udah MPASI jadi aga worried ..tapi masiha da kemungkinan krn akan tumbuh gigi mudah2 an..:)

    sampe hari ini pupnya udah ga terllau berlendir dan udah ga berwarna hijau lagi.. Alhamdulillah..tapi say masih obsevasi..so far anaknya baik2 aja ceria..cume hiks (Maaf) pantatnya merah (ada arsh gitu) mungkin krn keseringan pup itu..pakein apa yah??

    makasih doanya mba..juga info nya yg lengkap kap..

  7. eny meuni lieur aya nu bilang indah..basa awal sept kmaari kan malya udah mencrat mencrit..anu are mulu trus putih kembali ke jaman asi x..ggitu..
    nah mun ayeuna pan ijo dan lendir..yg bikin worried lanatran udah makan da, bis tina makanan ..tapi alhamdulillah udah baikan...

    wah raras juga seringnya pupup gitu...(tennag atuh kalo gitu mah)

  8. tante tenang ..jgn panik, ntar malya juga sembuh...

  9. iyah d izan abis meski theory dah dtgn suka ttp deh kuatir
    makasih yah d izan
