Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Aisyahfika Irdina Rafa

yes...we called it Fika
she is our little baby girl..unpredictable gift from Him
since our last boy born on June 2011
we love her so much just like her brother and sister
since she born almost i never blog just wrote some status on facebook
so i am trying to post some memory when first came 

 3 october 2012 ba'da Isya finally we met welcome my litlle princess

 terlahir dengan BB 3,2 dan PB 49cm
proses persalinan normal spontan

 Meeting Kakak Malya

Yes fika has also a big handsome Brother 
Akang Azka

  My pretty little princess

a labor story will continue later

Welcoming year 2014

Finally ended December
selamat tinggal tahun 2013 
thank you to year of 2013
so many thing has happened into our life
having 3 cutes guardian angel  that has coloring life
selamat datang 2014
hoping the year will fill up with everything positive
great life
more love
New year comes with glows of hopes in our mind It gives us new confidence and courage for a fresh start Happy New Year and all the best for new ventures

Read more at: http://easyday.snydle.com/new-year-wishes.html | Easyday
 Bring luck and prosperity
New year comes with glows of hopes in our mind It gives us new confidence and courage for a fresh start Happy New Year and all the best for new ventures

Read more at: http://easyday.snydle.com/new-year-wishes.html | Easyday
happy happy happy

Friday, October 25, 2013

Posting perdana in year 2013

year of 2013 almost end..
sejka pindahan MP menjelang lahiran baby Fika belom pernah ngeblog sama sekali ..kangenn iyaa.. temen2 MP konon udah pada ngumpul di Multipers..

Kesibukan #sok sibuk masih fully buat kantor huaaah sedih ya kesian ya ? emang mau keluar dari arus yg bikin sutriss ini..nyaris sekali sehabis lahiran baby F..

Alhamdulillah satu kerempongan selesai meski jalan terseok  seok akhirnya bisa lulus  juga tahun ini.. kuliah setahun, nyusunnya TA sampe 3 tahun diselingi hamil lahir hamil lahir..2 kali..ya dua kali

Lanjut study ?? mauuu... tapi tar dulu deh musti di pikirkan strateginya.. supaya 3 anak +! suami ini terawasi  keurus .. wkwkkww

Banyak mimpiii..yang HARUS di wujudkan

Mimpinya going abroad..buat study dan ibadah, mimpinya punya waktu banyak buat anak anak, back to baking..my desire..
hangout bareng temen2 sevisi sambil menuangkan pikiran dan tenaga buat orhanisasi tercintah ku.. AIMI..

galau galau galau...
